Fresh pineapple is a real treat that is both delicious and nutritious. However, these spiky fruits can be a little intimidating to cut if you haven’t done it before. Below we will walk you through the three most common ways to cut a pineapple step-by-step.
![Cut pineapple chunks on a cutting board. Vertical pic formatted for Pinterest.](
Table of Contents
How to Cut a Pineapple
![Cut pineapple chunks on a cutting board. Horizonal pic with fresh pineapple in the background.](
Pineapple can be cut in a variety depending on the occasion. Below we will walk you through the three most common ways to cut a pineapple step-by-step:
How to Cut a Pineapple into Chunks or Wedges
1. Start by cutting the spiky top from the pineapple about 1/2 an inch (1 cm) below the top of the pineapple. Make a similar cut to remove the other side of the pineapple about 1/2 inch (1 cm) from the bottom. Tip: I would use a sturdy, sharp knife to cut your pineapple.
![Cut the spiky top from the pineapple.](
2. Place the pineapple upright so the flat bottom is sitting on the cutting board. Then remove the skin by making a series of cuts around the pineapple from the top to the bottom of the pineapple. I would make your cuts roughly 1/4 an inch (.75 cm) inside the flesh of the pineapple to effectively remove the skin and avoid having too many spikes in the flesh of the pineapple. It’s ok to have a few spikes as we will trim those off in the next step.
![Remove the skin from the pineapple.](
3. Once the skin has been removed, use a paring knife to cut any spikes of skin or discolored spots from the pineapple.
![Remove the spikes from the flesh of the pineapple.](
4. Once the skin has been completely removed, cut the pineapple into fourths from the top to the bottom, making your cuts through the center of the core. The core is the round, dark center of the pineapple that is tougher than the rest of the flesh.
![Cut your pineapple into fourths.](
5. You will then cut off the core from each section of pineapple.
![Remove the core from each section of the pineapple.](
6. Once the core is removed, slice each fourth section in half the long way creating two long pieces of pineapple that are as long as the pineapple is tall and about an inch (2 cm) wide. Tip: You can skip this step if you prefer to have pineapple wedges.
![Cut the pineapple sections in half.](
7. Finally, place the pineapple sections horizontally on the cutting board and slice the pineapple into chunks that are your desired width. Enjoy!
![Cut the pineapple into chunks.](
How to Cut a Pineapple into Rings
1. Follow steps 1-3 outlined above.
2. Then, instead of slicing your pineapple into fourths, place it horizontally on the cutting board and cut the pineapple into slices that are your desired thickness. Common widths for pineapple rings are 1/4-1/2 an inch (3/4 to 1 cm).
![Cut the pineapple into rings.](
3. Then identify the core (the round, tough, dark center) in the middle of each ring and use a round cookie cutter that is slightly larger to remove the core from each ring.
![Use a cookie cutter to remove the core from each of the pineapple rings.](
4. Enjoy!
Final Thoughts on How to Cut a Pineapple
We hope that you have found this article and video helpful! Happy cooking!
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